They are very aggressive species which is capable of hunting any animal species. Sorry, but this is extremely unscientific. The jaws of a crocodile can be securely shut with several layers of duct tape.[117]Nile:6000psi. Nile crocodiles are solitary animals, but sometimes they can be seen in small groups. The eyes of these species are green, and they are quadruped animals with four short, sturdy legs. Saltwater Crocodile comes from Papua New Guinea and Australia. These mammals are the biggest meat-eating predator in the world, there is no way a salty could even hope to survive any contact with the killer whale under any circumstances almost, short of an already injured or ill killer whale or some other catastrophic injury to the whale. Why do Dogs Dig Holes? The Nile crocodile is the largest crocodilian in Africa and is sometimes regarded as the second largest crocodilian after the saltwater crocodile. I noticed that they are in the same genus. Great white sharks and crocs barely ever meet, so a croc would not predate upon a great white at all. The largest nile croc caught in SOuth Africa (not known for huge crocs) weighed 912 kg. Both predators would have an adrenaline surge for the fight, and whichever croc has the longer lasting surge will win in all likelihood. I guess you just have to weigh up what you think is most likely. The most commonly farmed species are the saltwater and Nile crocodiles, while a hybrid of the saltwater and the rare Siamese crocodile is also bred in Asian farms. Next Episode: Bengal Tiger vs. Asian Black Bear Previous Episode: Coyote vs. Golden Eagle Spotted hyena Nile Crocodile A female hyena approaches to a river, there, a crocodile gets out of the water. Saltwater crocodile is like a king of water body where he lives; his diet includes fish, reptiles, birds, mammals, crustaceans and other species. On the other hand, Nile crocodile is also known as a man-eater; hundreds of humans are killed by Nile crocodiles which shows that Nile crocodiles are more aggressive than saltwater crocodiles. Male saltwater crocodile weighs 2,205 to 2,370 pounds. Although the name is salt water, these species can live in both freshwater and brackish water. Nile crocodile in same length is slighty heavier than the Salt water crocodile. Multiple, other sources have listed this as a maximum or near maximum size. crocodiles, as saltwater crocodiles are native to larger areas. They found in eastern coast of India to south east Asia, Australia, Africa and Japan. Saltwater crocodiles are capable of resting following the pattern of uni hemispheric sleep like several other aquatic animals. Farming has resulted in an increase in the saltwater crocodile population in Australia, as eggs are usually harvested from the wild, so landowners have an incentive to conserve their habitat. So could they hybridize if, uh, you know, they didn’t want to fight? It has bite force of 3900 pounds per square inch. I bet you they are much much bigger than your average saltie and will easily top one ton. When the narrator says “in same length” they meant when weighed at the same length, but the salties continue to grow larger (2000kg) when the Nile tops out round 1000kg. Niles have a slight bit more armor near the base of their heads, but the salty is generally more aggressive. i’m just going to set this straight, the salt water crocodile weights 900-1100 kg’s, was thicker and harder scales, is smarter (proven to be the smartest of all reptiles by scientist’s), has a much stronger bite (7,500 psi), is longer (5.5-7.5 meters) and is faster (in water). It makes its prey off balance and making easier to drag the prey to water. The Saltwater crocodile average size is between 4 and 5 metres for an adult male this is also the average for a mile crocodile, the maximum size for a Saltwater crocodile is 6 metres and very occasionaly just over 7 metre but taken into account this is very rare but possible given the exact right available food and habitat in very remote areas far from human interference, generally Nile crocs max out at just over 5 metres with the exception like Gustave who is said to be 5.8 metres. It congregates in large numbers during the annual wildebeest migration, attacking the animals as they attempt to cross the rivers. They are very dangerous for humans because of their larger size. It has strong jaw pressure that drag a fully grown water buffalo into a river. The previous captive record-holder was a 17.97-foot-long (5.48-meter-long) Australian-caught saltwater crocodile. Nile crocodile in same length is slighty heavier than the Salt water crocodile. the only advantage your Nile croc has is speed on land not water, and for an aquatic based animal that’s not the best thing. The Nile croc, on the other hand tastes of hippo dung. The Nile crocodile—four of which have been found in the state's swamps since 2000—are more dangerous than the native crocodiles and alligators, scientists say. Never has any crocodile been weighed over 1100kg. 40(51%) Bengal Tiger - Panthera tigris tigris The Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) is a tiger subspecies native to the Indian subcontinent that in 2010 has been classified as endangered by IUCN. I have seen Nile crocs in the Mara river in Kenya. Agreed. The nostrils and eyes situated at the top of the head enable them to survive beneath the water, and yet they can hear, smell, and breathe.