The Major pentatonic Blues scale is probably not as popular as the minor pentatonic scale but is very useful and is applicable to many different styles. A blues scale is a six note scale based on the major or minor pentatonic with added chromatic “blue” notes. Have them “swing it” up and down the piano. This scale is a real rebel, practically throwing the rules of scale building out the window. The blues scale is very similar to the minor pentatonic scale, but with an additional lowered 5th note (lowered by half a step/semitone), or blues note. Riff … Download free printable sheet music for the scale with fingering in PDF format. The more common minor blues scale has the semitone pattern 1-2-♭3-4-♭5-♭7, and the major blues scale has the pattern 1-2-♭3-3-5-6. Remember the formula is 1 – ♭3 – 4 – ♭5 – ♮5 – ♭7. The blues scale is actually a 6 note scale. Blues Scales for Piano. Learn how to improvise blues in the key of G. You’ll learn the blues chords, the 12-bar blues form, quartal voicings, 2 left hand shuffle accompaniments, the G blues scale, and how to improvise using 8th notes, triplets, harmonized lines, slides, turns, licks, riffs, runs, and smash licks. We can add the flat 5, (b5), or blue note to the pentatonic scale, making it a six-note scale called the Blues Scale. The pentatonic scale is a great scale for improvising and soloing. Blues Progressions The blues is a vocal and instrumental form of music based on a pentatonic scale and a characteristic twelve-bar chord progression. Blues Scale Starter Kit The "blues scale" is really nothing more than an altered minor scale. Anyhow, the important relationship to understand is: For major 251s, you can play over the entire progression with the major blues scale of the I chord. Different types of piano scales. At this point in our study of the blues, now it’s time to introduce the blues scale. Notes of the blues scales in all 12 keys. for both beginner and advanced musicians. Today I am going to teach you the A Blues Scale. Fingering. Major Scales. Jun 10, 2018 - Learn how to form piano blues scales here. You can hear it in rock, country, jazz, and of course . Learning riffs on the piano is an awesome way to sound amazing quickly. Playing the blues often comes down to a straight forward chord progression, which anyone can learn and play on the piano within minutes. natural, harmonic and melodic.) USING THE BLUES SCALE IN OTHER CONTEXTS The blues scale can be … This pattern of whole and half steps is what creates the sound of major. Download PDF . Well worth learning and incorporating with the Major scale and selected Major modes. No matter what type of music you favor when you play the piano, you’re likely to play the blues scale at some point. basic piano chords pianoplayingadvice com. These are just a few of the many ways of playing the blues scale. Not only are these really fun to play, but they will also help you to understand the blues scale on a deeper level. Blues Scale Worksheets. Fingering for the E Blues Scale is a little different from any other scale you may have played.But because of the large jump from E to G you need to play this scale using a special fingering.. the 5 pentatonic scale shapes you must know guitarhabits. The secret piano blues scale the professionals don’t tell you about! That’s it. For this you would use the blues scale. Learn How To Play The A Blues Scale On Piano! To play this scale in the right hand yo need to start with the thumb on E. Play up the scale until you reach the Bb with your ring finger. Move up the scale finger by finger until you … Request: to those who have found this material useful, please make an effort to let at least two people know about my web site, so that we can start a chain reaction of ever more people that will be informed of this site. Notation For The G Blues Scale Piano. I am always getting asked by piano players, guitarists and solo instrumentalists to show them the blues scale.They think that learning the “blues scale” will help them to write and perform blues style music – and they are correct! For many students, when starting out with blues improvisation, it’s very easy to get locked inside the notes of the blues scale and never deviate away from 6 tones. The Melodious Music Scale Book - (1st Edition) contains a complete collection of all major scales and minor scales (i.e. The Blues Scale. C (minor) blues scale can be used over all the chords in a minor blues Cm, Fm, D, G7b9. Make sure you scroll down for many more tips on how to build the scale. note for note piano transcriptions manymidi products. If you’ve ever wondered what the difference is between a normal C major scale and the C blues scale, well I’m about to let you in on a little secret – and it will literally change your way of thinking when it comes to playing the piano. That b5, or blue note, adds a lot of tension and color to the scale. The "Major Blues Scale" is some less common than the "Minor Blues Scale" and therefore we start with minor and you find the major by scrolling down. The scale is built will scale … [Basic Level]Blues Scale (C) Blues Scale (A) [Intermediate]Blues Scale (C) Blues Scale (A) [Advanced]Blues Scale (C) Blues Scale (A) In this lesson, I’ll teach you three simple blues riffs that pack a lot of punch! To see the blues chord progressions with their relevant blues scales in … The chord progression is easy for beginners because it only uses three chords, the root, the fourth, and the fifth. . Music Theory For The Blues Scale Piano. You just need to know the right notes for each key. the top. You can also download a free PDF Scale Chart. Minor Blues Scale Chart. the blues. In this lesson, we will use the minor blues scale which consists of the 1 b3 4 #4 5 and b7 of a major scale. The most common types of scale are major scales, minor scales and the blues scale. Learn how to play the minor blues scale on piano, in all keys. The blue notes are ♯ 4/♭5 in the minor blues scale and ♭3 in the major blues scale. Let’s look at each type. For example, in an A minor blues scale, the added note would be D sharp. piano layout zebra keys. The book consists of 20 grooves: Pop 2 Grooves Rock 3 Grooves Blues 2 Grooves Jazz 1 Groove Funk 3 Grooves R&B 1 Groove Latin 1 Groove Gospel 2 Grooves New Age 1 Groove Reggae 1 Groove Major scales are usually associated with upbeat and optimistic music. Complete the form on the right to download your free copy today. Learn How To Play The 12 Bar Blues On The Piano! . For right hand fingering, start on the A with your thumb. […] Can you use the formula and finger pattern you just learned to move the Blues scale around the piano? These scales are for obvious reason perfect when playing blues on the piano. The Solution below shows the C blues scale, on the piano, treble clef and bass clef.. Right Hand Fingering. The Blues Scales Explained. This lesson will show you exactly what is in the title. Adding a blue note to the regular Pentatonic scale gives the Pentatonic Blues Scale. The 12 bar blues is a chord progression used in blues and rock music that lasts for 12 bars. The fingering is included for each scale along with easy to read diagrams. Playing blues scales on the piano is the foundation for soloing in... the blues. It will show you how to play the Blues Scale in all 12 keys on the piano. Any note you hit in this scale, usually sounds right when soloing. The 12 minor scales, however, come in 3 variations The Harmonic minor scale uses the same keys as the parallel major scale (same starting note, but major), but lowers the 3rd and the 6th. Blues scale fingerings for piano Leave a comment The blues scale is a staple of jazz musicians the world over, but I realised while teaching a student of mine the other day that I have never worked out a thorough system of fingerings for the blues scale in all the keys. Blues scales are the most commonly used scales in most genres of music. To build a major scale you follow this pattern of semitones and tones. The extended blues scale is then a combination of both, in fact, this scale is almost the chromatic scale which is also an interesting point. Tutorial - How to play blues scales on piano. The form evolved in the United States in the communities of former African slaves from spirituals, praise songs, … With these scales in your musical vocabulary, you have something to draw from when improvising. Playing the minor blues scale in multiple positions. Blues Scale Tutorial & Blues Scale Improv. The scale degrees found in the Major pentatonic scale are Root - 2nd - ♭ 3rd - 3rd - 5th - 6th In a minor blues, the third of the key is always minor, so the A (minor) blues scale (the one which contains E natural) isnt used. Formulas. The Blues Scale by Andrew D. Gordon is he feels, one of his most important books because of the nature of the blues scale and how it is used to improvise in many styles of contemporary music. The scale is made up of the notes A, C, D, E sharp, E, G, and A. How to Play the Blues Scale on the Piano: The Blues style of music is one of the most played genres by those that love to improvise.Just like with any type of music there is a specific set of rules and some guidelines as to how to play this particular style of music on the piano.Scales are … Gee, I wonder where it got its name? This is because this scale is really the blues scale with one note missing. No second note, no sixth note and a run of three chromatic notes somewhere in the middle! C blues scale. Ascending. blues scale finger pattern piano the moody blues don ignacio s music reviews. Learn the how to play the F blues scale for piano. Some of the most famous blues, boogie and rock ‘n’ roll songs use this simple chord technique – artists like Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard, Ray Charles and Fats Domino would use these chords in a lot of their legendary songs. For more advanced students, have them play a 12 or 16-bar blues form underneath. See "Notes for Switch out the regular two-octave major/minor scales for a minor pentatonic blues scale. The 1st construction, using the major scale, starts at Lesson 3.. The book consists of 20 grooves: Pop 2 Grooves Rock 3 Grooves Blues 2 Grooves Jazz 1 Groove Funk 3 Grooves R&B 1 Groove Latin 1 Groove Gospel 2 Grooves New Age 1 Groove Reggae 1 Groove I am looking for volunteers to translate this book into any language. The Blues Scale by Andrew D. Gordon is he feels, one of his most important books because of the nature of the blues scale and how it is used to improvise in many styles of contemporary music. the major scale learn about the major scale … Watch the video below to see all 12 blues scales played on the piano and download your FREE PDF of the lesson below which will give you all the Blues scales with the fingering all written out note-to note. posted on April 2, 2020. Today I want to talk to you about the 12 bar blues. Since the key of C appears on the Circle of fifths diagram as both a major and minor key, the Lesson steps explain both ways of constructing this blues scale for this key:. Try to use your knowledge to build the Blues scale from D, F, G, and A. The Blues Scale is a bit of a strange one? Here’s the notation for the scale that’s used in the video above.