The main problem with giving your dog graham cracker crusts is the extra added ingredients in your recipes. As for dogs... that’s a bit more complicated. Exercise caution and read the extra details below. Even though small amounts of saltine crackers won’t necessarily hurt your dog, we won’t recommend that you feed them to your dog. That all depends on how disciplined you are when your dog starts begging and whining. Even using something unconventional like shrimp or seafood that’s not processed will likely be better for your pup. WARNING! In fact, my mom’s dog, Gussie, loves Teddy Grahams, but only enjoys them as a sometimes snack. Humans could carry a high amount of carbs (without exaggeration), but it is dangerous for dogs since they need to maintain a solid energy level during the day. While xylitol may be a healthier alternative for you, it’s extremely dangerous for your dog. Dental Issues: Dogs can have dental issues as it is without added sugar in their diet. Well, kind of. The sugar and wheat in the food can result in diabetes, tooth problems, and your pet being overweight. If you wish to give some to your dog, a piece or two would be enough. If your dog has an allergic reaction to cinnamon or wheat, he … That’s because they have too much sodium in them which can cause your dog to have certain unpleasant complications and even develop conditions such as sodium ion poisoning. And there you are, asking yourself “Can dogs eat graham crackers?”. Short term effects can result in an upset stomach. When a dog eats too much sugar over and over and gains weight, Diabetes kicks in. Most people break down after a while, thinking that carbohydrates sugars and other ingredients wont hurt their dog's digestive system and overall health. People love that it’s lower in calories and doesn’t cause the blood sugar spikes that you would get from sugar. Remember that graham crackers should not be used constantly or regularly in order to avoid your dog consuming too many. If you notice unusual itchy rashes or your dog suffering from diarrhea, the dog could be allergic. However, it’s generally not recommended that you feed your dog wheat thins because of the high salt, high fat, and high sugar content relative to a dogs … We always recommend feeding your dog with real, natural unprocessed treats first if that’s an option. These are snacks, after all, not replacements for your dog’s daily meals. Side Effects of a Dog Eating Too Many Graham Crackers. You will likely need to switch to a grain-free dog food formula, and then ensure your pup doesn’t ingest any other products that contain wheat or Gluten. Can my dog eat Graham Crackers? But it’s fun - for both you and your pup - to include some treats every now and then! Below are some additional questions we occasionally see when dog owners are nervous about their pups eating graham crackers. Is Oatmeal Safe For Dogs? Of course, most of your dog’s diet should consist of a high-quality commercial dog food, or a food plan that’s been approved by your vet. You should still moderate how many crackers they eat and how frequently they eat them. After all, you don’t see wolf packs raiding wheat and corn fields, right? Not all carbs are created equally. While graham crackers should be fine for most dogs, contact your local vet immediately if your dog is reacting poorly after eating a graham cracker. Graham crackers can negatively impact your dog’s health if he eats too much of it. But the question you are likely asking yourself is this. Yes, graham crackers can negatively affect your dog, though fed them in excess. Therefore, yes it is safe for your dogs to eat Graham crackers – but never overdo it. Cinnamon isn’t toxic to dogs in small quantities. Ultimately wheat can be tolerated by dogs, but is not recommended for most breeds due to stomach sensitivity. Unfortunately, the carbs in graham crackers are mostly white flour and sugar. If your dog has a gluten-intolerance, these crackers will be safer than typical graham crackers that are made with wheat flour. Some dogs can be especially sensitive to sugar, and eating processed foods can have a negative impact on their blood sugar levels. Benefits of Giving Your Dog Graham … The main ingredients in graham crackers are refined wheat and sugar. Graham crackers are made with coarsely ground wholemeal flour, oil, sugar, and salt. This food product is not recommended and should be avoided. What Should I Do? Originally they would have included yeast as a leavening agent too, but mass produced Graham crackers today usually rely on baking soda instead. A piece of Ritz Crackers comes with 29.1 mg sodium. Crackers Are Bad For Dogs There’s no reason to think your pup should have any issues consuming a Honey Maid cracker. There may not be any need to use any additional types of leverage for your pup to do what you want them to do. … It is always best for your dogs to enjoy a healthy diet. On the flip side, a few graham crackers once in a while isn’t going to do any harm. If your graham crackers contain wheat or gluten, it’s also something that your pup may or may not react well to. But, as with all sweet treats, it should be done in moderation. This goes for all dogs, whether you've got a tiny chihuahua or a big german shepherd, avoid excess amounts of added sugars and refined wheat when treating your pet. Here are some all-time favorites that you can try with your dog: As you can see, there’s plenty of delicious, healthy snacks that you can offer your dog and the consumption of graham crackers should be avoided if possible. The main ingredient in Graham crackers is wheat. The occasional graham is just fine as long as it’s the exception and not something that your pup eats on a daily basis. Technically, yes dogs can eat graham crackers. Can dogs eat Ritz Crackers? When you add sugar to their diet, it makes their teeth rot and decay even faster. The answer is no, even though graham crackers normally don’t contain ingredients that are "dangerous foods" and toxic to dogs, like nuts and chocolate. Dogs can eat Graham Crackers occasionally but not always. There are two types of side effects of a dog eating too many graham crackers. But it’s best if only done in moderation. In fact, there are quite a few tasty and healthy snacks with nutritional value that you can share with your dog: The key with these foods is moderation. Graham crackers given occasionally will not harm your dog but regular intake of these crackers will most likely lead to obesity. Chocolate can be potentially lethal to dogs. There are plenty of training alternatives to using sweets that are manufactured by people. Graham crackers are a rich source of carbohydrates and can benefit your dog if fed occasionally. You may even need to switch to dog food that prevents gas in your dog’s digestive system. As long as they are used in moderation you should be fine, but we don’t recommend relying on them as a training mechanism. Sugar is a problem in many different human-engineered products. On the other hand, most commercial dog foods - even the premium kinds - contain carbs in some form or another. But here’s the big question: can you really limit it to a tiny piece here and there? The same goes for saltine crackers, Ritz crackers, peanut butter crackers, oyster crackers, Wheat Thins, Goldfish, and other bread dog treats. It can also potentially cause them to have other long-lasting health problems, including diabetes. This article should not substitute as contact with a veterinarian. Allergic Reactions: If your pup suffers from a wheat allergy, then Graham Crackers need to be completely off-limits. As you’re probably aware, graham crackers contain carbohydrates, which tend to get a bad rep. Can Dogs Eat Cherries? Digestive System: Because the digestive system of a dog is smaller, the strain can be harder on them, which can cause an overstain. Graham Crackers are especially more dangerous in large quantities because the carbohydrates are based off sugar, and not natural carbs in simple sugar forms. Diabetes: This happens when your dog has higher amounts of sugar intake than they can comfortably get rid of through their digestive system. Read on to find out why. The tip is: read labels and follow your dog’s sugar intake. © 2020 Love Your Dog, All rights reserved. However, too much of any snack, even if it is dog-specific, can be unhealthy. Yes, graham crackers can negatively impact your dog if fed to them in excess. Dog digestive systems turn carbs into glucose, which can cause obesity if consumed in excessive amounts. As with any sweet treats, excess amounts that your pup eats will likely cause your dog to gain weight, including a host of other unintended negative health consequences. Raw chicken bones are less dangerous for dogs than cooked chicken bones, as they don’t splinter as easily. Even in small amounts, don’t give them too often because the salt in them is bad for dogs. The high amount of sugar when dogs eat graham crackers can also be problematic in other ways. Can dogs eat Graham Crackers? Yes, dogs can eat 1-2 crackers of wheat thins with little to no health repercussions assuming that they do not have a grain allergy. Yes, graham crackers can negatively impact your dog if fed to them in excess. Graham crackers are made of flour, oil, molasses, salt, lard, shortening, cinnamon, and large amounts of sugar. As your dog digests the carbohydrates from wheat they are converted to sugars your furry friend can use for energy. As far as human snacks go, these crackers are relatively simply prepared and are thus safer for both us and our pets than most of the other snacks. Still have some questions about graham cracker consumption and your pup? It doesn’t mean they can’t cause a problem, though, and if your dog gets hold of one you should still follow these instructions . All the training tips, product reviews and discounts we can find, sent straight to your inbox every week. Your dog’s teeth are already exposed to some amount of sugar from commercial dog foods and treats. In some cases, it can even cause liver failure. However, you must moderate the number of crackers they will have at the end of the day to not exceed the amount that is … This will make it more difficult for them to move, and you’ll likely have to put your pup on a weight loss dog food. So make an effort to run or walk with your dog daily. If your dog has a gluten intolerance, this will definitely cause a problem with your pup’s digestive system. Graham crackers won't necessarily hurt your dog if eaten in small amounts. In the long term, increased calories can give issues. Graham crackers have less salt than a saltine cracker, but still offer little to no nutritional benefit to your dog and little reason for eating other than boredom. It’s not all doom and gloom when it comes to human foods that dogs can eat. It’s going to be better for them than any human food that your pup eats. So now you know that yes, your dog can eat graham crackers. This product can be harmful. It is a yes actually. But carbs are a necessary source of fiber and energy for human beings. Especially if they aren’t getting consistently cleaned. It can also cause them to have other long-lasting health problems, including diabetes. Obesity in dogs can cause many issues, including strain on your the joints and respiratory and blood-related problems. Graham crackers contain refined wheat, added sugar and even honey! While dogs eating raw bones is less dangerous, there can still be health complications. We promise you that no matter how much they whine, your dog won’t hate you for denying them a piece of that sugary donut. We recommend not letting your dog eat combination treats that include graham crackers. Can Dogs Eat Oatmeal? You can also use them to reward other good behavior, like being calm, or not begging at the dinner table. And let’s not forget dental issues, primarily cavities. Aside from graham crackers, xylitol can be found in lots of foods you may already have in your fridge and pantry. Dogs love sweet and crunchy treats, and Graham crackers can serve that purpose perfectly. If the crust is made from anything that’s toxic to dogs, you’ll want to avoid it. You definitely shouldn't get in the habit of giving your dog anything other than proper dog food. But a graham cracker isn't the healthiest snack for your dog, and there are much better options out there if you want to give your dog a dog-friendly treat. Many dogs like apples, or other treats that are completely natural. So anything else you give them on top of that is likely to cause dental problems in the long run. Larger dogs that have specific allergies to these additives and ingredient options, though, sometimes can’t eat Goldfish as often as smaller dogs with better tolerances can. Whenever possible, I try to look for whole grain, low-calorie substitution to let my furry friend feel like family. Xylitol can actually make your dog’s blood sugar levels drop, which causes serious complications like anxiety, vomiting, irregular heartbeat, and seizures. First, it’s important to understand that dogs have a much lower threshold for sugar than we do. Small amounts of Graham Cracker will be fine in moderation, but all other treats that contain sugar should be completely limited. Picture it: you’re putting together some S’mores for a late night snack, and your furry pal gives you those big, sad puppy eyes. Recognizing Dandelions’ Herbal Benefits to Dogs, 57 Smart Reasons to Travel With Your Pet (Dogs, Cats and More! Obesity has many harmful consequences for your dog, including heart problems, trouble breathing, joint pain, and diabetes. As it has no side effects on your canine health directly but as you know overdose of anything may lead to any kind of loss but when it comes to dog health or dog food you should … At this point, you may be asking yourself, “But an occasional treat isn’t going to hurt, right?”. You’ll need to watch this closely, especially if you have an older dog. As long as your dog is in good health, there’s no harm in occasionally using Graham Crackers to train your dog. If you have children in the house, it’s important to make sure they are also aware of this fact. Adding a refined wheat product that contains added sugars as a treat you likely increase your pooch’s risk for obesity, diabetes and dental issues. If your dog has had an upset stomach in the past after eating a sweet treat, you should completely avoid cinnamon graham crackers. This makes them ideal for use during training. If using real unprocessed food isn’t an option, we recommend using actual dog treats instead of food intended for humans. If the cracker has cinnamon on them, it should be safe for your pup as long as your dog doesn’t have an allergy and it’s done in moderation. This can cause problems in many parts of their health. Before you know it, you’re slipping your dog a piece of cracker, cookie, or anything else you’re eating. And there you are, asking yourself “Can dogs eat graham crackers?” The answer is no, even though graham crackers The answer is YES, they can! Yes, dogs can eat graham crackers. Honey Maid is just a brand, and their ingredient list matches what we’ve listed up top. S’mores are notoriously popular, and these treats contain chocolate. A little bit of cinnamon, like the amount used in most baked goods, is not going to hurt your dog. ), Airlines That Allow Birds – 14 Companies and Their Rules for Flying. Though they do not have a high sodium content like saltines, they are much higher in sugar. My Dog Ate a Cupcake Wrapper! It is always best for your dogs to enjoy a healthy diet. Sugar is inherently not good for dogs, so again, moderation is key here. Though, when allowing your dog to eat Graham Crackers you should implement a strict limit on how many your dog can eat. You can use them to help train puppies during obedience lessons, as a reward while potty training, or as a reward when teaching them to do tricks. If sugar is the main culprit, then what about sugar-free graham crackers? Let’s talk a bit more about why sugar is so bad for your dog. There’s plenty of them at your local grocery store, including organic and keto versions, which sound super healthy. Just remind yourself of all the reasons we’ve talked about today. Our dog can eat Graham crackers but applying strict control over … These are positive for dog nutrition and do a lot of great things for your dog’s body, including regulating its blood sugar and helping with digestion. We always recommend a dog treat that’s been formulated just for dogs. Since there are multiple recipes here, we can’t comment here if all crust is safe, so if in question, always contact your vet. Dogs can eat graham crackers too, as … Most human foods are significantly higher in sugar and calories, which means they will impact your dog that much more negatively. That’s why it’s best to cut the “table scrap” habit with your dog, no matter how cute they look when they beg. These crackers also contain wheat, which can cause allergies in dogs. Yes, dogs can have graham crackers which are usually consumed by human and high in sugar, gluten, carbohydrates, sodium, and salt; but under strict moderation, one can only offer a controlled quantity. Too many graham crackers can also give your dog dental problems. Love Your Dog is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. What it comes down to is the type of carbs. Can Dogs Eat Cinnamon Baked Goods? So there’s no need to panic if your dog runs off with a small piece of cracker you dropped on the floor. While Graham Crackers aren’t the worst sweet treat that your pup can consume, it’s also something that they shouldn’t eat too frequently. While dogs can eat graham crackers in small amounts for training purposes, we actually recommend that you stick to dog treats as much as possible to avoid running into any nasty side effects. Carbohydrates come mostly from wheat and sugar. This happens much faster than you think, especially for small dogs that can become obese just from gaining a few pounds. Let’s take a look at what you can expect if when your dog eats a graham cracker. A dog’s immune system also doesn’t respond well to having a ton of carbs ingested. Can Dogs Eat Graham Cracker Crusts Graham crackers are a popular ingredient in recipes for pie crusts and cheesecake bases. On the one hand, there’s plenty of websites out there that insist dogs have no need for carbohydrates. Maybe your pup recently ate a Graham Cracker, or it’s possible that you are thinking of feeding one to your pup and aren’t sure if it’s safe. Can Dogs Eat Graham Crackers + 11 Healthy Alternatives That Dogs Can Eat, Fish, as long as they’re cooked and deboned, Low-fat cheese (for ex: cottage, mozzarella), Airline Approved Bird Carriers – Fly Safely and Correctly With Your Pet Bird, Can Dogs Eat Dandelions? Yes, dogs can safely eat gluten-free graham crackers as long as they don’t have any xylitol in them. And once you start the habit, your dog will quickly catch on to how easy it is to manipulate you. Yes they can! When they absorb more than what their bodies need, they can suffer from all kinds of problems, including vomiting and diarrhea. Graham crackers, whether they come in a rectangle or teddybear shape, lack any nutritional value. However, graham crackers can cause problems for your pooch in the long run, as can other sugary foods. Too many graham crackers can cause your dog problems. Obesity: This is fairly straightforward. Here are some of the things that could happen to your pup if they do indulge more frequently than they should. Also, some dogs suffer from wheat allergies. However, Ritz crackers contain a concentration of carbohydrates, fat, and salt that may present long-term effects if used as more than 10% of your dog’s daily calories. Yes, dogs can have Graham crackers. Let’s take a look at the contents of a graham cracker and see why there’s less nutritional value than other natural foods. Think of them as special treats once or twice a week, and only in small portions, like a spoonful of yogurt or half a boiled egg. Unfortunately, sugar is in most mad made human treats, so again, it should be used sparingly with your dog. To learn more about these harmful effects, let’s start by looking at your dog’s dietary needs. When dogs eat sugary treats, it can lead to weight gain. Because they are made from wheat, they have an extremely high carbohydrate content, which is also one of the reasons that contribute to weight gain. Are Cherries Bad For Dogs. This can cause lasting negative health impacts for your dog over the long haul. They’re high in carbohydrates, sugars, and don’t offer many nutritional benefits. When dogs eat sugary treats, it can cause them to gain weight. Dogs are very prone to both of these conditions, so it’s best to keep things like crackers and cookies away from your pooch. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A couple of Ritz Crackers now and again probably will not harm your dog. See, since it is loaded with carbohydrates, it is very likely that it will lead to obesity in dogs. But if you give in, don’t beat yourself up too much. After all the insight here, you should know that as with all sweets, these should be used more as a rarity and in moderation than anything. Eating a small amount of graham crackers is unlikely to harm your dog. In short, things can easily spin out of control, even with the best of intentions. Graham crackers are high in carbs, there’s no denying that. However, once in awhile, your dog can eat graham crackers without hurting his diet. But then again, how can you know how much is too much? Keeping this in mind, a small amount of … For example, premium dog food brands use healthy carbs like oats, brown rice, and sweet potato. Of course, you can. Can my dog … Even if they have a digestive system of steel, sugary foods can cause weight gain. Yes, graham crackers are bad for dogs due to their unhealthy attributes. They contain refined wheat which is not good for a dog’s digestion. However, dogs shouldn’t be fed graham crackers regularly because the sugar, carb, and sodium content of this food is more than is safe for a dog to consume too often. Many dogs will enjoy eating natural treats like pineapple or even eating some veggies like peppers or sweet potatoes mixed with kibble as a reward. Dogs have developed the ability to process (or at least not be negatively effected) carbohydrates. Conclusion: Can Dogs Eat Saltine Cracker? Well, no. Chocolate can be very toxic to dogs, so they should NOT eat them if there’s some type of chocolate on them, or some type of chocolate coating on the cracker. Smaller dogs (obviously) have a tougher time when they eat Goldfish crackers than larger dogs, if only because their bodies are absorbing more of the danger zone ingredients. Dogs that consume too much sugar over and over are going to gain weight and will start to get obese after a time. Various brands of ice cream, chewing gum, cake/jello/ pudding mixes, and condiments contain xylitol. Chocolate can be potentially lethal to dogs, so you do not want your pup getting their paws on these. When this happens, you’ll need to change quickly to low gluten food. Last Updated: January 5, 2021 | 5 min read. These are the “bad carbs,” the ones that can lead to obesity and diabetes. But these healthier snacks often contain xylitol, an artificial sweetener that tastes like sugar. Yes, depending on if there are any other ingredients included. You can also stick to healthy alternatives like fruit and veggie snacks, if you’re looking for plant based options. Graham Crackers are loved by humans and it’s almost a guarantee that your dog will absolutely love them too. When dogs eat sugary treats, it can lead to weight gain. Can Dogs Eat Graham Crackers? We’d recommend using actual dog treats when training, but Graham Crackers can do in a pinch. The Straightforward answer to this question “Can Dogs eat Graham Crackers?” is yes. Since dogs are naturally physical in nature, you don’t want to have an obese dog.

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