2. The monthly reevaluation of periodontal therapy should involve periodontal charting as a better indication of the success of treatment, and to see if other courses of treatment can be identified. Bissada. AIM: To assess tooth loss in periodontally compromised patients 20 years after active periodontal therapy (APT) and to detect potential influencing factors for tooth loss on patient level. Literaturliste. Search for more papers by this author. Aim: Position paper on endpoints of active periodontal therapy for designing treatment guidelines. Tests have shown that 80 percent of sections showed 100 percent epithelium removal without damage to connective tissues. J Clin Periodontol 8, 281-294. scaling . 5.1 Non-surgical Periodontal Therapy 34 5.2 Management of Local Plaque-retentive Factors 39 5.3 Antimicrobial Medication 40 5.4 Host Modulation Therapy 41 5.5 Anti-plaque Mouthwashes 42 5.6 Management of Dentine Sensitivity Following RSI 42 5.7 Management of Occlusal Trauma 43 5.8 Management of Acute Conditions 43 6 Long Term Maintenance 47 6.1 Long Term Maintenance 47 6.2 … The main goals of nonsurgical periodontal therapy (NSPT) are to remove and control supra- and subgingival microbial biofilms, eliminate and control inflammation, and eliminate and control systemic and local risk factors that contribute to disease development and progression. (1981) The significance of maintenance care in the treatment of periodontal disease. In the first year following active periodontal therapy, it is important to assess the patient's periodontal tissues and provide maintenance therapy every three months. As noted earlier, biofilm can penetrate soft tissues. 2014 Jul;41(7):662-72. Antibiotic active substances in periodontal therapy Besides periodontal pockets, systemically administered antibiotics also reach other bacterial niches in the oral cavity. A combined periodontal and orthodontic treatment demands a detailed evaluation in both specialties, particularly when the periodontium is reduced. All patients who had received APT by the same experienced periodontist, 10 years before beginning the research, For some patients, this interval of scheduling maintenance visits will continue throughout the rest of their lives. Introduction. Long-term outcomes after active and supportive periodontal therapy. Laser periodontal therapy specifically targets the highly pathogenic black pigmented bacteria and is able to vaporize these bacteria safely because of a very rapid 1/10,000th of a second pulse that allows the tissue to cool 99.8% of the time. Even in most severe cases of periodontal disease, non-surgical periodontal therapy most often precedes surgical therapy. vorgelegt der Medizinischen Fakultät Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin von Marta Czownicka aus Kraków, Polen Datum der Promotion: 09.12.2016 … Management of periodontal systemic interrelation- ships when appropriate. 2015). Periodontal maintenance therapy Upon completion of active periodontal treatment, follow-up periodontal maintenance visits should include: 1. 7.4.1. To assess tooth-related factors contributing to tooth loss over a period of 10 years after completion of active periodontal therapy (APT). 1: patient‐related factors for risk, prognosis, and quality of outcome, Journal of Clinical Periodontology" on DeepDyve, the largest online rental service for scholarly research with thousands of academic publications available at your fingertips. Tooth loss in compliant and non-compliant periodontally treated patients: 7 years after active periodontal therapy. This is tailored to their individual risk. active periodontal therapy, periodontal maintenance comprising both in-office and meticulous home care is key for long-term positive clinical outcomes. Author information: (1)Department of Restorative Dentistry, National Dental Centre Singapore, Singapore. An orthodontic therapy with concomitant periodontal monitoring and prosthetic rehabilitation, if possible with the use of implants and psychologic counseling, may be needed for patients with advanced forms of the disease. It is my role to support patients in maintaining periodontal stability. Background The importance of supportive periodontal therapy following active treatment has been well documented but numerous studies have shown patient compliance to be poor. It is usually a 30 to 60-minute appointment every two to four months. The results of these studies, where tray drug delivery systems were used as adjunct to non-surgical periodontal therapy, provide no strong evidence that show adjunctive use of tray delivery systems is more effective than traditional non-surgical periodontal therapy alone. The benefits of periodontal maintenance therapy (PMT) in maintaining the homeostasis of periodontal tissues obtained after active periodontal therapy (APT), which includes surgical and non-surgical procedures, has been extensively documented in numerous studies [1–6].A classic problem in PMT programs is difficulty in maintaining the patient’s compliance and in … Sub-analysis showed that the outcome appeared to be dependent on tooth type, furcation involvement, severity of periodontal disease at i … Following the completion of the active phase of periodontal therapy, my patients are placed on long-term supportive care. root planing . A record of the patient’s consent to the proposed therapy should be maintained. Department of Periodontics, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. MATERIAL AND METHODS: All patients who had received APT by the same experienced periodontist, 10 years before beginning the research, were recruited until 100 patients were re-examined. FI, MRT, SPT: 14 : 2013 Periodontal pathogens and associated factors in aggressive periodontitis: results 5-17 years after . Evaluation of current extra- and intraoral, periodontal General enquiries. Update of medical and dental histories. Defining a treatment plan for the periodontal patient is a process that requires the assessment, preventive, therapeutic, and evaluative skills of the dental hygienist and the dentist.The treatment plan is the blueprint for management of the dental case and is an essential aspect of successful therapy. Determination of active Matrix-Metalloproteinase 8 (aMMP-8) levels in the Gingival Crevicular Fluid as a Diagnostic Test during Periodontal Maintenance Therapy zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades Doctor medicinae dentariae (Dr. med. Active non-surgical periodontal therapy in patients with adult periodontitis resulted in approximately one third of the cases in the success endpoint of PPD ≤ 5mm. The patient presents needing retreatment. AgP, CAL: 13 : 2014: Risk factors associated with the longevity of multi-rooted teeth. These thresholds are based on a retrospective study of 445 patients who had been enrolled in SPT for at least five years (Ramseier et al. Working within the recommended parameters of 60° C, 30 the healthy tissue beneath the nonhealing granulation layer is not affected by the low energy. Department of Periodontics, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. Orthodontic treatment can be commenced once attachment gain and bone stability is achieved after periodontal therapy but is generally advised to postpone till 3 months to 1 year after active periodontal therapy. Systemic antibiotic administration is therefore indicated in accordance with the German Society of Periodontology ( DG PARO ) recommendations in generalized periodontitis in particular. Periodontal Therapy Reduces the Severity of Active Rheumatoid Arthritis in Patients Treated With or Without Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitors. A follow-up period of 6 months is needed after active periodontal therapy so as to observe the resolution of active inflammation and restoration of the periodontal health [34, 35]. It is generally agreed that periodic supportive periodontal therapy (SPT) is important for the maintenance of periodontal health after active periodontal treatment. As there is no deleterious effect of orthodontic tooth movement on healthy periodontium, orthodontic treatment can be started once the health of periodontium is achieved back [ 36 ]. Moreover, complete records of diagnosis, treatment, results, and recommended follow-up are essential, ated with treatment, it is advisable to obtain the informed consent in writing prior to commencement of therapy. dent.) Changes in the patient's medical history, stress factors, and poor compliance all contribute to the need for retreatment. Example: A patient completed active therapy (Code 4341) several years ago and has not maintained three-month supportive therapy. J Clin Periodontol. 10. N.F. To assess tooth-related factors contributing to tooth loss over a period of 10 years after completion of active periodontal therapy (APT). 2 active periodontal therapy. Ng MC(1), Ong MM, Lim LP, Koh CG, Chan YH. Patients were re-examined approximately 10 years after active therapy, and the influence of various known risk factors on tooth loss (TL) was reported. 2. Axelsson, P. & Lindhe, J. Periodontal stability is assessed with the existing inflammation index (bleeding on probing, BOP). Active Periodontal Therapy The early warning signs of every disease occur at a microscopic level. This procedure may also limit the areas requiring surgical treatment. PERIODONTAL MAINTENANCE THERAPY Upon completion of active periodontal therapy, peri-odontal maintenance visits should include: 1. This retrospective cohort study identified 100 patients with periodontitis who received comprehensive periodontal therapy including nonsurgical and surgical management as well as supportive periodontal therapy (SPT). Maintaining periodontal stability. SPT is defined as procedures that are performed at selected intervals to assist the periodontal patient in maintaining oral health. For non-smokers or former smokers, a value of 23% is considered the threshold, while for smokers this value is 16%. Periodontal pathogens and associated factors in aggressive periodontitis: results 5-17 years after active periodontal therapy. The early changes might be able to be detected by sophisticated chemical or biologic analysis, but not by normal diagnostic measures. Consideration should be given to techniques and protocols that aid patient compliance, as well as to address root caries risk and prevent unwanted sequelae. P. Ortiz. Read "Tooth loss after active periodontal therapy. Combined Periodontal-Orthodontic Therapy. In laser-assisted active phase I periodontal infection therapy, the diseased biofilm-infested tissues of periodontal pockets are debrided. (Impact-Factor 2013: 3.610) Petrou MA, Giraki M, Bissar AR, Basner R, Wempe C, Altarabulsi MB, Schäfer M, Schiffner U, Beikler T, Schulte AG, Splieth CH. after active therapy due to the potential for disease recurrence. This is done so that the active periodontal infection is reduced and the overall tissue quality is improved prior to surgery. Update of medical and dental histories. The early warning signs cannot be seen, felt, touched, diagnosed, or discovered. They cannot be noted by their symptoms. MATERIAL AND METHODS: From a total of 100 patients, who were re-evaluated ten years after APT, 70 could be re-examined 20 years ± 12 months after APT.

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